Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1deisme=Hepi Birthday to me!

is back = 1deisme
Akum, Hi !
Selamat datang to 1deisme. Bersempena dengan hari yg berbahagia ini. Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja2 mengistiharkan bahawa hari ini cuti umum bersempena dengan birthday aku..haha. Xder la. Hari nie amat bersejarah dalam hidup aku(huhu). Sebab hari nie ialah bday aku yg ker 2X?(cuba teka) and hari ini gak aku launching my blog 1deisme. Akhirnya setelah agak lama bertapa and study bout blogging akhirnya jd la blog nie. And 1 more thing and afew...

Diharapkan dengan adanya blog nie dapat aku kongsi my life blog, my passion bout my photography, my graphic design and my knowledge and ..banyak lagi yg leh dikongsi Feel free to comment, to share to feed back and follow me trough 1deisme. I need you guys. Really2..

Tq to my lovely baby~Melinda~ becos encouraging me to start bloging. Tons of tq for beautiful cup cakes with all the best wishes (1de version tur) and your never ending love. Tengok ler cup cakes prezen designed by ~Melinda~ kat bawah nie. Best kan!. Harap2 all or a few of my wish become reality and i hope to share with you All. Amin..

It's a good start to begin and
it's better now then never......


  1. sayang...are u addicted to blogging like me?

  2. im commenting this while you by myside...
    how cool is tat?

    I love you syg...
    yes2...i knew that u already aware of that...
    but im telling you that my love rite now is much222222222222 more than what i used to love think i mean infinity...but more than that :)

  3. salam..
    welcome bro!!
    banyak nak blaja dr ko nie..

  4. okeh man. Sori la aku cam poyo sket. Kalau bloging mesti macam nie. People say taht..not me

  5. ohh dh ada org lain comment, utk ko hepi bday yg ke 2x tu...hehe
